Spiegazione della stampa 3D a getto di legante

Scoprite tutto sul binder jetting, compreso il confronto con l'LPBF.

The beauty of additive manufacturing is that each method caters to specific project needs. Among these methods stands binder jetting, a technology distinct for its ability to create parts by binding powder grains layer-by-layer. Let’s explore the expansive world of binder jetting, including how the technology works, critical applications, and the range of materials.

How Binder Jetting Works

Binder jetting uses a liquid binding agent to selectively bond areas of a powder bed.

The process starts with a thin layer of powder automatically spread on the build platform. An inkjet-style print head jets tiny droplets of a binder solution onto the powder where the solid part should be. Only the areas representing the cross-section of the part for that particular layer receive the binder.

When one layer is done, the build platform drops by a fraction of a millimeter. A new layer of powder is spread, and binder deposition continues. This repeats until the object is fully formed.

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Popular Binder Jetting Applications 

From aerospace to the arts, binder jetting finds a home in many industries:

Automobilistica: Binder jetting is increasingly used in automotive applications because it can rapidly produce prototypes and production parts. Parts like heat exchangers, which benefit from intricate geometries for optimal performance, are prime examples.

Aerospaziale : Binder jetting’s capability to produce lightweight structures by quickly creating lattice structures or topology-optimized parts is a boon for the aerospace sector, where weight is always a concern.

Art and Sculpture: Artists have utilized binder jetting to produce intricate sculptures and replicas.

Advantages and Challenges


Velocità: Since entire layers are printed simultaneously, binder jetting can be significantly faster than methods that build point-by-point or line-by-line.

Material Waste: Almost all unused powder in binder jetting can be recycled, making it efficient and environmentally friendly.


Post-Processing: Metal parts typically require a sintering step post-printing to achieve total density and strength.

Resolution Limitations: Binder jetting offers good resolution but might not match some other AM methods for ultra-fine features due to droplet spread and powder grain size.

Popular Binder Jetting Materials

Binder jetting’s adaptability comes from its broad range of materials:

Metal Powders: From stainless steel to cobalt chrome and Inconel, binder jetting with metal often culminates in a sintering process. This post-process increases the part’s strength by fusing powder particles.

Sand: Used predominantly for creating molds for getto, sand-based binder jetting removes the need for a pattern to make a mold, significantly cutting down lead times and costs.

Full-Color Prints: Some binder jetting machines can print full color by depositing colored binders onto a white powder substrate. This is excellent for architectural models or any application needing a color representation.

Ceramics and Specialty Materials: Advanced ceramics, such as zirconia or alumina, can be processed with binder jetting, leading to parts that excel in wear resistance, thermal properties, and chemical resistance.

Binder Jetting vs. LPBF

Fusione del letto di polvere laser and binder jetting are both popular in metal additive manufacturing, but they cater to different needs:

Heat-Induced Stresses: LPBF involves melting and can induce internal stresses in parts due to uneven cooling. Binder jetting doesn’t have this issue, although post-process sintering for metal parts might introduce some stresses.

Material Choices: While both technologies offer a range of metals, binder jetting typically has a broader material selection since it doesn’t rely on the material’s laser absorption properties.

Part Density: LPBF has an edge when producing higher-density parts.

Setting Off with Binder Jetting

If binder jetting meets your needs, a universe of possibilities awaits. Whether for rapid prototyping, intricate designs, or large-scale production, binder jetting can be a transformative tool in your manufacturing arsenal.